The number of people looking for jobs usually increases in January and it’s an ideal time for you to do a “refresh” on your approach. Do you want to stand out from other candidates and you just aren’t sure where to start? Work on updating your resume, contacting your references, and consider joining a professional group or association. Be sure to review your social media profiles and online activity so you know what information about yourself is in cyber space if a hiring manager were to search your name. Get rid of anything that may be objectionable or doesn’t reflect well on you personally (e.g., bad language).
Be True to Yourself
What do you want to do with your career? Remember this is your career, and you’re going to be the one going to work, not anyone else. Studies show that people who follow their own path, rather than someone else’s, are much happier in their personal and professional life. Give some thought to this and how you may want to pursue your dreams!
Be Proactive
In 2015, most job hunting and contacting is via email. Although it’s possible that a hiring manager might contact you about a position, it’s rare and in reality, you most likely need to reach out and express your interest in a company or position. Sending an email, a note by snail mail or picking up the phone and getting in touch with a hiring manager at a company you want to work for shows you are interested.
Get prepared for the Job Interview
When you get that job interview, prepare, prepare, prepare. Go to the company website and learn about their mission; their executives and their culture. Prepare so that the interviewer leaves your meeting thinking “I must have this person on the team!” How do you do this? Focus on problems that you’ve solved in the past – have examples and numbers ready to provide the interviewer with the facts. Also, ask engaging questions about the position and company. Thank the interviewer for their time and don’t forget to follow-up with a thank you note or email. You’d be surprised how many people don’t do this any more!
Remain Calm
Job searching is a stressful process, and you may feel under pressure when you’re interviewing for a job. Did you know that your ability to manage your emotions and stay calm under stress and pressure directly link to your performance? Looking for ways to stay calm while job hunting? Stay positive, stop negative thoughts, make sure you get enough sleep and remember to breathe.
Start your 2015 job search on the right track by being proactive, staying positive and pursuing the type of job that would get you excited on a daily basis. Do you have questions? Drop me an email.